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You’re worth more.

Increase your salary by $20k-$90k

Smart Resumes was created by a team of recruiters so they know exactly what hiring managers are looking for in a candidate.

Stand out above the crowds

Our clients see a significant increase in the number of interviews they’re able to land after working with us. Leverage our team of career leaders to find clarity in your career path.

Land your job 50% faster

On average, it takes over 6 months for a candidate to get hired. There are 250+ resumes submitted per job application (according to Glassdoor.) Only 4-6 candidates will be selected to interview for the position. Only 1 person will be offered the position.

Smart Resume clients get hired 50% faster than their peers.

Better job, better pay

Clients that utilize Smart Resumes land more interviews for higher-paying roles at Fortune 500 companies. These interviews lead to salary increases ranging from 20K-90K when they land their job.

Starter package


A professionally written resume that gets past the ATS tracking software.


Accomplishment-based, expertly written, resume by experts that know your industry.


Formatted properly that will get an employer’s attention.


Keyword researched and optimized. Your resume will be optimized to bypass the resume-scanning bots.


Unlimited revisions within 7 days

Smart Job Search course access

Cover Letter

eBook: How to land your dream job in 60 days or less

Linkedin overhaul

Done for you scripts (2 thank you letter templates, networking scripts)

Premier package


*BEST VALUE* The essential package includes a resume, cover letter, and access to the Smart Job Search course.


Accomplishment-based, expertly written, resume by experts that know your industry.


Formatted properly that will get an employer’s attention.


Keyword researched and optimized. Your resume will be optimized to bypass the resume-scanning bots.


Linkedin overhaul


Unlimited revisions within 7 days


Smart Job Search course access


Cover letter


eBook: How to land your dream job in 60 days or less


Done for you scripts (2 thank you letter templates, networking scripts)

VIP Career Coaching


A white-glove experience. We handle everything you need to find your dream job.


Accomplishment-based, expertly written, resume by experts that know your industry.


Formatted properly that will get an employer’s attention.


Keyword researched and optimized. Your resume will be optimized to bypass the resume-scanning bots.


Linkedin overhaul


Unlimited revisions within 7 days


Smart Job Search course access


Cover letter


eBook: How to land your dream job in 60 days or less


Done for you scripts (2 thank you letter templates, networking scripts)


3, 1-hour coaching sessions over Zoom

our free gift to you

Buy either of the 2 higher-level packages and get our e-course on how to land your dream job, for FREE.

We want to see you succeed at every step of the way. That’s why we’ve combined our custom resume writing, Smart Resumes, with the world’s best job searching course, the Smart Job Search.

The Smart Job System is top-tier, first of its class system with content and lessons that will change your professional life, forever.

It’s an indestructible combo, and no one else is offering anything like this.


A real-life case study in each module to illustrate concepts


Step-by-step screencast tutorials


Attention to many different types of learners


Lifetime Access!


A complete resource section that includes everything you need for a successful job search including:

  • A Smart Job Search Tracking Tool: an organizational document that keeps you sane and streamlined throughout your job search. This document will help track your interviews, outreach, targeted companies, network, and much more.
  • Customizable message templates that guide you through one of the most challenging aspects of job searches: outreach.
  • A simple yet effective notebook where you can keep your notes as you learn.
  • A workbook for the “Ideal Job Profile” lesson that will help you get clarity and momentum toward knowing what you really want in your future position.
Read what our clients are saying.

Real customers, real results.

Honest reviews from verified customers who have gotten resumes with Smart Resumes.

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  • Not great
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Easy to signup and get started within minutes.

Trusted by Professionals & Executives from fortune 500 companies

Smart Resumes was created by a team of recruiters so they know exactly what hiring managers are looking for in a candidate.

We’ve placed our clients with some of the best companies in the world

Ready to land your dream job?

Choose the plan that best fits your needs. We offer 3 levels of services.

Need a free resume review first?

Schedule your free 15 minute review with one of our specialists.

Frequently asked questions


Get answers to your questions. If you still have questions, feel free to email us, at

Why do I need a professionally written resume? Can't I write my own?

It's a fact, your resume has to appeal to both the hiring manager and resume scanning software.

When you work with one of our professional resume writers, you’re investing in your future. They know the exact recipe to write for optimization, in order to bypass the bots, but also to sound like a human, to make that immediate connection with the person in charge of hiring.


What a Smart Resume will do for your job search:
  • Candidates using resumes rewritten by Smart Resume have proven to be 4 times more likely to secure a new job vs. those who submitted a resume written by themselves.
  • A Smart Resume will immediately make you more valuable to recruiters. They value candidates with professionally written resumes to be worth 50% more than self-written versions. More valuable = bigger salary.
  • Our clients have been proven to land interviews at an average of 3 times more, vs. those candidates that used a self-written resume.
What is the process and turn-around time?

The resume writing process begins with a "discovery phase" where we get to know more about you, your current job situation, and your goals for the future.

We then match you with one of our professional writers, one that has proven to excel in your specific industry on past assignments.

Your dedicated writer will collaborate with you on a first draft, which will be delivered to you in a few business days. Then, you'll have a chance to provide feedback to your writer, with an unlimited amount of revisions rounds (within 7 days); we want you to be 100% satisfied.

Typically, the resume writing process takes 2 - 3 weeks from the day of purchase.

How can I be sure my writer will be qualified?

Our network of professional writers have been stringently vetted by our quality assurance team.
In fact, only 2% of candidates who apply to be a Smart Resume writer are hired.

Our professional writing team includes certified career coaches, former and current recruiters, and professionals with specialized experience in over 65 industries. This ensures that every pairing between job seekers and our writer's is a perfect match.

I purchased a lower level package, can I upgrade?

Yes! We have some job seekers that signup for the Starter or Accelerated package, but later realize that they should have purchased the Premium package.

Don't stress! If you have previously purchased a lower tier and would like to upgrade, please send us an email at and we're happy to discuss using the price you already paid to supplement the price of a higher tier.

There's a reason that the Premium package is the most popular!

I'm all signed up and excited, how can I access my portal?

Congratulations! You can access your portal using this link: using your username and password that was sent to your inbox after purchase. If you cannot find it, please email us at

Is it really that important that my LinkedIn profile is optimized?

It really is. If a company is hiring, your LinkedIn profile can be a key source of potential new employees. Over 180 million people use LinkedIn in the U.S., which includes hiring managers, and decision makers.

When hiring managers can’t screen a potential new hire in person, tools like LinkedIn are even more important. 81% of hiring managers say that virtual recruiting will continue long after the pandemic is over.

What is the Smart Job Search System that's included in the Accelerated and Premium packages?

Smart Job Search (SJS for short) is the sister company to Smart Resumes. SJS was started by Chris Campbell.

Chris's mission is to help at least 1 million professionals wake up happy to go to work.

Chris started SJS after spending decades holding every seat in the job market: internal recruiter, external recruiter, hiring manager, job seeker, and eventually, CEO of his own executive recruitment firm.

SJS has been a staple in the tool belt of successful job searches. Chris then started Smart Resumes because they go perfectly hand in hand and create the most powerful offense against not being able to land your dream job.

By purchasing the Premium package, you will get access to the Smart Job Search System absolutely free. That's a $499 value in itself! By pairing SJS and Smart Resumes, you'll be and unstoppable force in finding your dream job, the smarter way, not the harder way.

Check out SJS!